Part of the delight in camping or hiking is the cooking and eating! Okay, we all love to eat. The cooking part? Not so much!
Prepping main dishes for a camping party can be time consuming and difficult because there aren’t so many amenities to work with. That’s why granola snacks and candy bars have been the staple desserts for most campers.
Well, there is totally nothing wrong in chowing down packaged sweets and s’mores, but the difference between a good excursion and a really remarkable one may just be a single amazing dessert.
Good news? There are plenty of desserts that could work well with the limited time and resources allotted in an outdoor environment.
Check out the following easy camping desserts for families. They have few ingredients, don’t take much time to prepare, and will leave everyone pleading for seconds – and your neighbors drooling!
1. Pineapple Donut
If you are a pineapple cake junkie, then you will love this fantastic campfire homage.
- Plain cake-donut
- Pineapple rings
- Brown sugar
- Butter
- Aluminum foil paper
- Slice the cake-donut in half.
- Take a half of the donut and lay one of the pineapple rings on the bottom.
- Sprinkle one spoonful of brown sugar on the pineapple ring.
- Apply some butter around the ring.
- Grab the remaining half of the donut and place it on top to make a donut sandwich.
- Place your sandwich on an aluminum foil paper.
- Hold the tips of the foil and roll the long sides to the center as you crease them together. Once you have reached the middle and the sandwich is now between two tightly rolled-up sides, start rolling up the shorter sides.
- Place on a charcoal camping stove or the campfire coals and leave it to cook for 7 to 10 minutes or until the pineapple and donut are heated through. Ensure that you have flipped it over 2 or 3 times so that the bottom doesn’t burn.
2. Cobbler In A Can
Most campers will rule cobbler out of their camp desserts simply because they think they can only make a killer cobbler in a Dutch oven. But what if you don’t have an oven or just don’t want to carry it on a short trip? A can of pie filling or fruit will do, and can actually make almost as good cobbler as a Dutch oven.
- Pie filling or sweet cherries in a can (any other fruit in syrup will do)
- Bisquick
- Milk
- Bowl
- Mix ½ cup of milk and 11/4 cups of Bisquick in a bowl. This should make enough batter to put in one large can or two smaller ones.
- Open the can containing the pie filling or fruit syrup and drain off the excess syrup.
- Place the batter on top of the fruit and replace the lid.
- Place on hot coals and let it cook for 6 minutes or until batter forms hard dumplings
3. Apple Crisp
If a cobbler and pineapple donut don’t leave your taste buds pumped up, try apple crisp. Though it will normally cook well in a Dutch oven, campers who don’t own an oven can still enjoy this toothsome dessert on their campfire coals.
- ½ cup of oats,
- 6 tablespoonful of flour
- 3 tablespoonful of brown sugar
- ¼ cup of granulated sugar
- ¼ teaspoonful of cinnamon
- Cooking oil
- 3 apples
- Butter
- Lemon juice
- Bowl
- Aluminum foil paper
- Mix the oats, sugar, flour and spices in a bowl.
- Add butter and whisk until the mixture starts forming crumbs.
- Slice the apples.
- Spray cooking oil on the foil paper, place the apple slices on it, and cover with the mixture. If you can do double layers of the foil, even better; otherwise, a single layer will work just fine.
- Cut another sheet of foil (of similar size to the first one), smear some cooking on one of its sides, and cover the oats/apples, the sprayed side down.
- Crease or crimp together the sides of both the top and bottom sheets of foil along the outer edges of the foils’ rectangle.
- Cook on coals for 25 minutes.
4. Banana Boats
When camping with kids, banana boats should be on top of the list of your camping desserts for the day. Chocolate chips and marshmallows are the basic desserts for these munchies, but nuts, peanut butter chips, and graham crackers can be excellent variations too.
- Marshmallows
- Chocolate crisps
- Bananas
- Foil
- Cut the banana lengthwise on its concave side.
- Let the knife go into the fruit but be careful not to cut through the skin to the convex side.
- Fill in the crevasse with chocolate chips, marshmallows, nuts or anything else you like.
- Wrap a foil paper around the banana and crimp it to form a boat.
- Cook on campfire coals for 7 minutes or until the chips and marshmallows melt.
5. Cupcakes In Orange Peels
Yup! You read that right. Orange peel cupcakes aren’t only delicious but also one of the most fun camp desserts to make. The orange flavor from the peels is what makes what cooks inside amazingly tasty.
- Cupcake or cake mix
- Oranges
- Aluminum foil
- Prepare your cake batter as per the instructions on the package.
- Cut ¾ of an orange and remove the pulp so you are left with a bowl-like hollow.
- Fill the “bowl” with the cake batter.
- Grab the remaining part of the orange and put it back on to serve as the lid.
- Wrap tightly with foil paper.
- Cook on coals for 15 to 20 minutes or until the batter is completely baked. Be sure to rotate the orange a few times while it cooks so it bakes evenly.
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